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Monday, May 24, 2021

Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm 1:3.5, In the Still and Quiet

Olympus E-P5, Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm 1:3.5
Olympus E-P5, Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm 1:3.5
Olympus E-P5, Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm 1:3.5
Olympus E-P5, Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm 1:3.5
Olympus E-P5, Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm 1:3.5
The Vintage Enthusiast: Image making with an Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm 1:3.5, in the still and quiet of the morning.
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My first few shots with the G.Zuiko Auto-W 28mm 1:3.5, with images of the children's play area of the small community park right across the road, literally meters away from where we live. It is sad to see the area looking forlorn and dejected, as the pandemic constraint is still with us, while locals stay away from utilizing the facility.

The G.Zuiko Auto-W 28mm 1:3.5 is a very affordable, compact, and excellent wide-angle lens first introduced for the Olympus OM system. The lens was among the original batch of lenses introduced. Still, unlike most other lenses within the range, the 28mm 1:3.5 remains un-updated until discontinued and replaced with the Zuiko 28mm F2.8.

Olympus E-P5, Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm 1:3.5
Olympus E-P5, Olympus OM Zuiko 28mm 1:3.5

The lens is a 7-elements in 7-group construction, weighs 180 grams and comes with a minimum focusing distance of 0.3 meters. Mounted on the E-P5 (2x crop-sensor) I was using, the lens is equivalent to a 56mm lens on the full frame, almost to that of a standard prime, with sharpness and contrast that is legendary of a Zuiko lens.

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