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Monday, July 17, 2017

Olympus Pen FT, Nighthawk

Olympus Pen FT, F.Zuiko 38mm 1:1.8
Olympus Pen FT, F.Zuiko 38mm 1:1.8
Olympus Pen FT, F.Zuiko 38mm 1:1.8
Olympus Pen FT, F.Zuiko 38mm 1:1.8
Olympus Pen FT, F.Zuiko 38mm 1:1.8
Half Frames: Film photography favorites, image making with an Olympus Pen FT, on a night out with the F.Zuiko Auto-S 38mm 1:1.8.
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This is my take on Edward Hopper's Nighthawks, interpreted on an Olympus Pen FT with an F.Zuiko Auto-S 38mm F1.8 lens. The images here are nothing close to the painting though, it was never meant to be. The whole point here is the fact that using film and film cameras for night photography may have more advantages than doing so with digital. All you need is a mechanical film camera with a cable release for B(bulb) exposure and a stable surface or a tripod will do.

The choice of film type (color negatives, slide film) is yours to decide, and the ASA film speed will determine the graininess of the image.

Olympus Pen FT, F.Zuiko 38mm 1:1.8
Olympus Pen FT, F.Zuiko 38mm 1:1.8

The next best thing is to use a fast, prime lens, such as a 35mm F2 for night shots. These here were taken with the F.Zuiko 38mm F1.8. It might be possible to use an 1:4 lens in brighter areas, but the idea of having a good depth of field control and expanded opportunities shooting at 1:2.8, 1:2, or even at 1:1.8 is the way to go.

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