The Olympus Pen EE-S was the world's first camera with a programmable EE shutter with shutter speeds of 1/30 and 1/250 sec. The shutter speed changes automatically according to the light level. This model increases the appropriate exposure range over its original EE predecessor which has only a shutter speed of 1/60 sec.
While its predecessor, the Pen EE came with a 28mm F3.5 lens, the EE-S is fitted with a 30mm F2.8 lens. and a three-zone focus system to cater to the wider aperture. The Olympus Pen EE series heralded the start of the programmable EE camera boom.
Images here are from a trip down the LRT line from Kelana Jaya to Kuala Lumpur, shot with the Olympus Pen EE-S on a roll of expired film. Post-processing was done on Olympus Viewer 3 (OV3), and the images were edited selectively for Auto Tone Correction, Brightness & Contrast, Color Balance, Hue & Saturation, Color Filter, Sharpness & Blur, Unsharp Mask, and Noise Reduction. Tone Curve, Tilt Adjustment, Gamma, and Color Filter edits were also applied to a few images.